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How to install large outdoor children's play equipment, you must first understand these

Views: 883     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-12-05      Origin: Site

How to install large outdoor children's play equipment, you must first understand these

The amusement market has achieved huge development because of the large demand of policy guidance and market, especially the investment in the outdoor children's play industry, and many people are silently focusing on the development of children's outdoor amusement parks. All matters have to be clear before it is not officially put into funds. For example, Li Mr. Li, who invests in July this year, did not know how to install the play equipment. How to install a large outdoor children's play equipment, you have to understand these!

This article contains the following

1. Amusement equipment installation steps

2. Is the play equipment manufacturer responsible for installation?

3. Amusement equipment requires the venue

First, the play equipment installation steps

Outdoor children's play equipment installation itself requires early measurement venue, plan and design according to the size of the equipment. Before looking for the manufacturer to design a ride, the manufacturer will require measuring the site, the flatness of the site, the right spacing between the equipment, etc., considering the position, the playing equipment produced is also based on the design scheme.

Outdoor Amusement Facilities + Children's Amusement Equipment + Nothing Amusement (64)

Do a good job in the basic fixation, and finally you can start installing the equipment, installing the foundation, doing fixing, and is better for the installation team, some large equipment, high vibration equipment should be reinforced.

Second, is the play equipment manufacturer responsible for installation?

How to install large outdoor children's play equipment, are they responsible for installation in the manufacturer? Generally speaking, the manufacturers will be responsible for production, transportation, installation, and high-ranking, take into account the installation difficulties of investors, and deliberately joined the integrated service model to reduce investors to re-install the team. Moreover, find the corresponding purchase manufacturers installation, which can save cost-spending, and more secure for the operation of the play equipment.

Outdoor Amusement Facilities + Children's Amusement Equipment + Nothing Amusement (61)

Third, the play equipment is required

Children's outdoor play equipment installation can be highly low, but it is generally requested to be fill the site in advance. If the manufacturer can use different terrain for equipment planning because of special geographical conditions, the requirements of the play equipment are not too high. And experienced manufacturers can also customize players according to terrain to achieve higher attractions and innovation.

About the installation of large outdoor children's play equipment, you have to know what you have to know! Choose a suitable geographical location planning more fully playing equipment, using the space of each inch to achieve better results. Different equipment also have installed area divisions, and reasonable planning is more attractive.


Mr. Xu
   +86 15306887188
  +86 15306887188
  Wenzhou, Yongjia County, Wenzhou City Letu Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd.

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