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How Much Does The Outdoor Theme Play Equipment Offer?

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-11-17      Origin: Site

How Much Does The Outdoor Theme Play Equipment Offer?

How much does the outdoor theme play equipment offer? The play equipment offer problem has always been a great concern to investors, the investment cost of unpowered play equipment is suitable for many small and medium-sized investors, whether it is a county or a first-tier city, the unpowered play equipment can almost always meet the overall environment of the custom build, coupled with the play equipment itself is lower, but also be able to save a certain amount of manpower costs, unanimously regarded as the investment of a very good project. Outdoor play equipment design manufacturers usually have two ways of quotation, one is according to the location of the quotation, and the other is according to the size of the equipment estimate. Take a look!

This article contains the following

1. According to the size of the quote

2. According to the demand for customized quotes

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First, according to the size of the quote

What is the scale size of play equipment and how big is the scale of the playground? Play equipment manufacturers will send professional people to the site to measure, and communicate directly with customers face-to-face demand intention, and then design by professional designers, according to the design drawings for costing.

How much does the outdoor theme play equipment offer? Play equipment is also calculated according to the square meter, the price of a square meter ranges from 1,000 yuan, so a 1,000 square meter of space also needs to be at least 1,000,000 far from the same. Of course, if there is a higher demand for customization, such as large-scale pirate ship combination slide, forest rope net climbing equipment price will be higher. Of course, the choice of play equipment or to be within the cost of the customer's budget, generally speaking, the price difference is not particularly large is not a problem.

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Second, according to the demand for customized quotes

How much does the outdoor theme play equipment offer? Many customers want play equipment with more features, that can attract the attention of children, so the requirements for play equipment are naturally higher, requiring strong ornamental, more comprehensive features. Accordingly, manufacturers will also be by the requirements of the design, personalized design and construction require a higher degree of difficulty, so the offer will have some changes according to the program.

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Generally speaking, the process is more expensive, the more refined the technology in children's play equipment, the price will certainly be higher.

The same type of play equipment may face different price differences the factors affecting the price difference are the material as well as quality requirements. Since most of the users of outdoor children's play equipment are immature children, it is important to choose cost-effective, high-quality equipment.


Mr. Xu
   +86 15306887188
  +86 15306887188
  Wenzhou, Yongjia County, Wenzhou City Letu Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd.

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